Pre processing listed records of a resource

I have create a resource which is based on a Page model. I want to show the pages in their parent child hierarchy. I have found next solution to do so in regular Laravel. But can not find the correct way to do this so I can use it in a Filament list of resources. Optionally I want to allow the filament sorting options within the hierarchy sorting:
$pages = Page::all();

$generator = function (Collection $level, $prefix = '') use ($pages, &$generator) {
// here we are sorting by 'id', but you can sort by another field
foreach ($level->sortBy('id') as $item) {
// yield a single item
yield $item;

//$item->level = $level->count();

if($prefix != '')
$item->title = $prefix . ' ' . $item->title;

// continue yielding results from the recursive call
yield from $generator($pages->where('parent_id', $item->id ), $prefix . '— ');

$results = LazyCollection::make(function () use ($pages, $generator) {
// yield from root level
$prefix = '';

yield from $generator($pages->where('parent_id', null), $prefix);

return $results->toJson();
$pages = Page::all();

$generator = function (Collection $level, $prefix = '') use ($pages, &$generator) {
// here we are sorting by 'id', but you can sort by another field
foreach ($level->sortBy('id') as $item) {
// yield a single item
yield $item;

//$item->level = $level->count();

if($prefix != '')
$item->title = $prefix . ' ' . $item->title;

// continue yielding results from the recursive call
yield from $generator($pages->where('parent_id', $item->id ), $prefix . '— ');

$results = LazyCollection::make(function () use ($pages, $generator) {
// yield from root level
$prefix = '';

yield from $generator($pages->where('parent_id', null), $prefix);

return $results->toJson();
1 Reply
Acyually found a document describing what I was lookuing for:
Nested records in a table by Leonid - Tricks - Filament
Filament is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack apps, designed for humans.

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