Filament2y ago

Understanding how time works.

Let say I live in Indonesia (UTC+7). My server time is UTC. My laravel setting is untouched. Then I create a date picker for attribute
event model
event model
. The event will be start in 14 October 2023 - 20:00 (8PM) INDONESIA TIME So the user input 14 October 2023 - 20:00 (8PM) . 1. Should I modify data before saving to convet those time into UTC? or does laravel/filament/mysql detect this and automatically and convert it to UTC for me? 2. What if there's multiple user with different timezone?
Always ALWAYS (always) always store UTC in the database. By which I mean always. Convert to whatever TZ you wish to display it in when rendering. You can then either just have a single default TZ for your app (using APP_TIMEZONE in you .env), or you can allow your users to choose their TZ (app dependent, up to you how you let them select that) and use the ->timezone('foo/bar') method on all DateTimePicker fields (presumably getting the TZ from the auth()->user() object). For table columns with per-user TZ I think you'd have to roll your own TZ offset with formatStateUsing(). And you'd probably have to do a little custom work on any date/time filters, if you needed those....
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2 Replies
cheesegrits2y ago
Always ALWAYS (always) always store UTC in the database. By which I mean always. Convert to whatever TZ you wish to display it in when rendering. You can then either just have a single default TZ for your app (using APP_TIMEZONE in you .env), or you can allow your users to choose their TZ (app dependent, up to you how you let them select that) and use the ->timezone('foo/bar') method on all DateTimePicker fields (presumably getting the TZ from the auth()->user() object). For table columns with per-user TZ I think you'd have to roll your own TZ offset with formatStateUsing(). And you'd probably have to do a little custom work on any date/time filters, if you needed those.

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