Wizard error
Hi, what am I suppose to do with an error like that, its really vague. I checked every data types and everything seems good.

12 Replies
Well, if you think that error is vague, what should we do with just that error? 🤔
Expand the vendor frames, and walk through the backtrace to understand more.
Maybe also share the link via Flare so others can help walk through it too.
Or, like Dennis implied, share your code.
Another approach: look at what code you've changed since it last worked without that error. This is where git really comes in handy.
Well its the first time I try it 😅
Ok I fixed my problem but I have another one 🥲
A disabled field can still be saved right ?
Its not dehydrated by default
If it’s not dehydrated it won’t be part of the form data and therefore not saved.
Ok so a disabled field is what by default ?
I don’t know off the top of my head. Dive the code. 😁
Well I think it is 🙂 With dehydrated() it works
And for the code there is that, but I'm not sure to understand it 😂

Are you trying to save it?
Maybe that’s a better question. Because that doesn’t make sense to me. 😅
Yes, but no problem its all good now
I'll know next time 😉