Filament9mo ago

How do i change the background color of a Section layout

I have some Sections in a from but i want them to have different background colors. How can i do that ?
apperantly i have to add them to the tailwind safelist property inside of the content since they are dynamicly created
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20 Replies
Patrick Boivin
Patrick Boivin9mo ago
You can give each section a unique CSS class with ->extraAttributes(['class' => 'my-section'])
ico9mo ago
i did try that
$sectionColor = [
1 => 'bg-red-400',
2 => 'bg-orange-400',
3 => 'bg-blue-400',
4 => 'bg-green-400',

->extraAttributes(['class' => $sectionColor])
$sectionColor = [
1 => 'bg-red-400',
2 => 'bg-orange-400',
3 => 'bg-blue-400',
4 => 'bg-green-400',

->extraAttributes(['class' => $sectionColor])
But it didn't color it
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Is the class added? Do you have a custom theme? Check your DevTools
ico9mo ago
apperantly i have to add them to the tailwind safelist property inside of the content since they are dynamicly created
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
You don’t have to. Is your filament folder added to the content config?
ico9mo ago
yes the ./vendor/filament/**/*.blade.php yes
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
But not the Filament file where the classes are defined
ico9mo ago
import preset from './vendor/filament/support/tailwind.config.preset'

module.exports = {

* these lines are needed for the Filament v3 theme
* @see https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/installation#installing-tailwind-css
presets: [preset],
darkMode: 'class',
content: [
import preset from './vendor/filament/support/tailwind.config.preset'

module.exports = {

* these lines are needed for the Filament v3 theme
* @see https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/forms/installation#installing-tailwind-css
presets: [preset],
darkMode: 'class',
content: [
this is what i have like content and the presets
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Yes. But the Filament file you are defining the classes in, is probably located under app/Filament/**?!
ico9mo ago
filament did generate a folder in the public/css folder and it did fill it wits its own css files
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
I am talking about this! Where is that file? Where do you define $sectionColor?
ico9mo ago
I am using only the form builder with a livewire component so i have made it inside App/Http/Livewire after i upgraded Livewire to v3 it asked me to change the namespacing but decided it will be a headache so i left them there
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Then you need to add app/Http/Livewire/** to contentso Tailwind scans those files.
ico9mo ago
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Does it click? 😅 Tailwind can only find classes in files it knows
ico9mo ago
yes will try it now nope didn't work if i do it with
$sectionColor = [
1 => '#FFE5E5',
2 => '#FFF3E5',
3 => '#E5F1FF',
4 => '#F5FFE5',

->extraAttributes(['style' => "background-color: $sectionColor"])
$sectionColor = [
1 => '#FFE5E5',
2 => '#FFF3E5',
3 => '#E5F1FF',
4 => '#F5FFE5',

->extraAttributes(['style' => "background-color: $sectionColor"])
it works but the default tailwind classes it doesn't recognize them
awcodes9mo ago
Are you rebuilding between each change? npm run dev Tailwind isn’t some massive stylesheet. It has to rebuild to generate the final stylesheet.
ico9mo ago
yes did entire cache/view/config/route clears build + dev and cleared the browser cache/cookies
awcodes9mo ago
Something off in your setup then. Without being able to see the code base it’s going to be hard to help with this.
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch9mo ago
Weird. But definitely should work, if you include the right files