Widget not rendering well on modal
I'm facing a weird error that I do not uderstand. I included the widget on a blade file like it says on the documentation. I have included inside a modal but when I open it, the widgets is not rendering well. If I resize the screen, it renders well. I added the widget on a normal blade page and loads well. I tried to separate and use 2 blades but I had all in one in the past and I had the same error.
If I add the widget on the first image page, it renders well. I have also acustom theme, I do not know if that might be the problem.
5 Replies
Sorry, what do you mean a custom widget inside a modal?
I have a fullcalendar widget inside the modal and I have that issue. When that widget is on a page, is fine
So, is this a filament issue or a full calendar plugin issue?
If you’re using the full calendar plugin you should probably ask on that channel. #saade-fullcalendar