How to achieve a something info list inside a wizard step?
Hi if theres someone know a way how to achieve this? The white image is something I want to achieve while the 2nd image is what I made so far. Is this possible that 3 fields?

4 Replies
Maybe explain what the "white image" is doing? Otherwise that's just a ViewField for me
My bad. The white image is something like a premapped fields. It's just a field to show what are the fields that are map in default. And if they toggle the
enable field mapping
they can add another field and I want something like a repeater but all in all the the field mapping section is just a a view somethingSo what's really missing from "what you have" and "what you want"? The arrow between the fields instead of a Input field? You could either use Placeholder or ViewField to make that work.
nice thank youuuu. Will try to explore more either the placeholder or viewfield.