Filament2y ago

Assign default value on a field during AttachAction

In my RM form if I want to attach an employee, it will ask to select a status, what I want to do is when I attach an employee it will not ask to select for 'status' but rather set the 'status' to 'Pending' by default. AttachAction::make()
->label('Assign Employee') ->form(fn (AttachAction $action): array => [
Section::make() ->schema([ Select::make('recordId') ->options(Employee::all()->pluck('full_name', 'empl_id')) ->label('Employee') ->searchable() ->preload() ->multiple(), TextInput::make('assigned_by'), Select::make('status') ->options([ 'approve' => 'Approve', 'disapprove' => 'Disapprove', 'pending' => 'Pending', 'on-process' => 'On process', ])->required(),
3 Replies
rizOP2y ago
Updated the code but Im not sure if this is the correct way. // Select::make('status') // ->options([ // 'approve' => 'Approve', // 'disapprove' => 'Disapprove', // 'pending' => 'Pending', // 'on-process' => 'On process', // ])->required(), Hidden::make('status')->default('Pending'),
Try using the option key/value which would be lower case pending in your case on the Select If default('pending') is not working you can add this to the select ->afterStateHydrated(fn ($component) => $component->state('pending'))
rizOP2y ago
What I want is emplement the AttachAction in a RelationManager and save the following fields on the db empl_id -- <w/ user interaction Section::make> assigned_by -- <w/ user interaction TextInput::make> status -- <w/o user interaction> just set the 'status' field to 'Pending' every time I click the attach button on a RM and save it to the DB... somewhere in Edit menu, that's where a user interaction for the 'status' field. so in my case I comment out the Select::make('status') part and add the line Hidden::make('status')->default('Pending'), this one work, but Im not sure if this is the proper way thank you, I will read more about this on the documentation

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