Alpine component not loaded

Hey, I'm using Curator plugin and their resource included is using their Curator field that loads an Alpine component Problem is that every other plugin using JS files are loaded except this alpine component even tho assets have been published using filament artisan command There is no errors in the console and the script is never loaded watching at the browser dev console (network tab), the plugin do have the alpine directives to load the module but it's still not there Is there any other step I'm missing in filament to load Alpine components ?
54 Replies
awcodes9mo ago
Try php artisan filament:assets
skyrowl9mo ago
did it once more and the script is present in the assets folder but still not loaded in the browser :/
awcodes9mo ago
do you have a repo you can share? it loads fine on my apps. also what the exact version of Filament you are running?
skyrowl9mo ago
I don't I'm sorry, I installed only Filament, Curator and Peek, made a theme like described and everything is on latest Filament v3.0.63 Curator v3.0.5
awcodes9mo ago
should be loading fine. i'm surprised your not getting any console error though in the browser.
skyrowl9mo ago
I do have 2 warnings but no errors
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skyrowl9mo ago
and here is the full history of network by going to Filament > Media resource > Edit > Curations tab
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awcodes9mo ago
yea, those are in livewire. wish they would get that fixed. is the field not working? or are you just confused that you don't see it in the network tab?
skyrowl9mo ago
the entire modal is not working, the image is loaded and I can fill the inputs but every buttons (except the X of the modal) are not interactive, whatever I click does nothing not even have a loading indicator I then came to the conclusion that a script might be missing and I think it's the case as the curation.js is never loaded
awcodes9mo ago
The curation.js will only be used on the edit resource.
skyrowl9mo ago
shouldn't it be loaded here ?
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awcodes9mo ago
it loads when you click the create cruation button maybe you are having a latency issue with your network
awcodes9mo ago
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awcodes9mo ago
but i would expect that to throw console errors
skyrowl9mo ago
I'm sorry I probably wasn't clear ^^' the network screenshot above is on the curation modal wdym by latency issue ?
awcodes9mo ago
slow network
awcodes9mo ago
skyrowl9mo ago
closing and reopening the modal three times did this, do you have any guess ?
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skyrowl9mo ago
it's on local with sail I'm not sure if it could be the case ?
awcodes9mo ago
could possible be something with sail. I'm not sure. I don't use it. i would think if it was sail related though you'd see the same issue with other fields too. and no one else has reported this issue. so i'm not entirely sure what the probablem could be on your machine.
skyrowl9mo ago
do you have any plugin in mind that uses alpine components so that I could test ?
awcodes9mo ago
Filament does Tiptap Editor a lot of them do. RichEditor, MarkdownEditor, the non NativeSelect and non Native DatePicker are all alpine components
skyrowl9mo ago
tested with tiptap and it's working on first try
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skyrowl9mo ago
tho clicking on "Create Curation" still does not laod the script
awcodes9mo ago
hmm. that's weird. they both use the same filament asset manager to load the components. and I can't replicate the issue so I can't really deubg it either.
skyrowl9mo ago
will try to re-install curation and tell you
awcodes9mo ago
i'll make a note to run some tests this week, but can't promise anything.
Yaeger9mo ago
Are you using Octane by any chance?
skyrowl9mo ago
I understand 😅 I'm not sure from where it could come from but this might help you, the script is randomly included, each red lines means open and close (first update means open, second close) even tho it's loaded afterward it generates errors when clicking on buttons
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skyrowl9mo ago
nope not at all I'm using basic setup of sail @awcodes by changing ax-load from visible to eager it does load the script correctly, I think the problem comes from IntersectionObserver depending on the browser Can you test it again with firefox ?
awcodes9mo ago
That video i posted was in firefox
skyrowl9mo ago
oh ... wait I tested on firefox it works tho it does not on firefox dev edition, I'm pretty sure the problem comes from interpretation of IntersectionObserver between the two browsers also not related at all but is it normal that cropper can go outside the image and generates black bands ?
awcodes9mo ago
yes. but that is up to the end user as to how they crop their image. if you feel it is a bug though, you can check on cropperjs' github repo and see if others have discussed the issue or not.
awcodes9mo ago
GitHub - fengyuanchen/cropperjs: JavaScript image cropper.
JavaScript image cropper. Contribute to fengyuanchen/cropperjs development by creating an account on GitHub.
skyrowl9mo ago
Not sure it's about cropper itself but more how it has been integrated Looking at their demo the cropping can't leave the image
JavaScript image cropper.
awcodes9mo ago
maybe i'm misunderstanding you, but in their demo you can certainly crop outside the image if you zoom out.
awcodes9mo ago
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skyrowl9mo ago
Oh we don't have the same thing then cause I only have the BG when zooming out and the container is the size of the image, maybe cause I'm on mobile don't know ?
awcodes9mo ago
Possibly. there's several issues open on their github about mobile. Maybe one of those is relevant.
skyrowl9mo ago
Here's what I get, tho it seems to work fine except for buttons not having their icon labels tho they still work fine
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awcodes9mo ago
i don't know. i don't work on the package. 🙂
skyrowl9mo ago
Do you think we could implement a button in curation to reset cropper container to the image size without any x overflow ?
awcodes9mo ago
not sure what you mean. there is a reset button that resets cropper to it's initial state. ideally, you shouldn't even need to do much with curations. it's really more for creating one off images with a specific focal point at a specific size. then just use the glider component to output all your images at what ever size you need when you need to render them. Curator is a different way of thinking about media than what we are traditionally used to. It operates under the premise that you don't need to generate physical files for each size for each images wasting space on your server for images that may not even be used.
skyrowl9mo ago
was meaning to limitate boundaries so that it can't overflow also I can't input in X or Y without having a weird behaviour, it changes my input to random numbers within the container, like having Y = -36, I delete 6 and it change to -70 ... 😅
skyrowl9mo ago
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awcodes9mo ago
if you can provide a video, maybe i can understand what you are doing better.
skyrowl9mo ago
I don't really have a screen recorder on my comp I'm sorry 😓 Btw I forgot but wanted to ask, is there a reason you choosed visible over eager on async alpine for that component ?
awcodes9mo ago
because i don't want the script to load unless it's actually needed and it's not needed until the modal is open
skyrowl9mo ago
I tested eager and it was only loaded the moment the modal was shown, is it different on chromium browsers ?
awcodes9mo ago
that's when it's suppose to load when the modal opens, that's when it requests the script i think visible is the appropriate loading strategy for this case if it doesn't work in a canary version of a browser then i'm not overly worried about it. 🙂
skyrowl9mo ago
I'm sorry I don't understand well I think I'm missing something On my computer I edited vendor files to change ax-load="visible" to ax-load="eager" and the script was only loaded in network tab when the modal opens I had the issue in base firefox too even if it's not on every load compared to dev edition Tho dev edition is not a nightly it's just firefox with additional tools
skyrowl9mo ago It's not well known but I'm using it to separate private usage navigation vs work related navigation
Firefox Developer Edition
Firefox Developer Edition est le navigateur super rapide qui dispose d’outils de développement de dernière génération et de nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que la prise en charge des grilles CSS ou du débogage de frameworks.
awcodes9mo ago
well, i'll make a note of it, but it's not a high priority to me. and you're also the only person who is having issues with it, so i can't say that it's an issue with the plugin and not an issue with your particular setup or browser instance. i do appreciate the feedback though.
skyrowl9mo ago
I understand, thx for the time you took for me I might post an issue on async alpine instead as it's not related to filament nor your plugin