How to fill form in a custom page?

hello people. I made a new custom page on a resource with
php artisan make:filament-page ShowTicket --resource=TicketResource
php artisan make:filament-page ShowTicket --resource=TicketResource
Now, I want to display a form for the record I hooked up to the page using:
public function mount(int | string $record): void
$this->record = $this->resolveRecord($record);
public function mount(int | string $record): void
$this->record = $this->resolveRecord($record);
I made a form and I put it in the blade file. The form is being displayed but is isn't filled. I used fill() on the form but still the form is empty. Anyone knows what's wrong?
4 Replies
$data = $this->getRecord()->attributesToArray();
$data = $this->getRecord()->attributesToArray();
terumiOP2y ago
I created a form using the artisan command and it outputs me
Typed property App\Livewire\Tickets\ViewTicket::$record must not be accessed before initialization
Typed property App\Livewire\Tickets\ViewTicket::$record must not be accessed before initialization
on the viewticket livewire component 😦
what is the ViewTicket code?
terumiOP2y ago
I think I fixed it, It needed to resolve the model instance and pass it to the form object but now I have another problem: It disregards the relations, I cannot do something like, (which are relations defined in the model). The correct code (apart the relation thing) is this: Pages/ViewTicket:
class ViewTicket extends Page
use InteractsWithRecord;

protected static string $resource = TicketResource::class;
protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.ticket-resource.pages.view-ticket';

public function getMaxContentWidth(): ?string
return 'full';

public function mount(int | string $record): void
$this->record = $this->resolveRecord($record);
class ViewTicket extends Page
use InteractsWithRecord;

protected static string $resource = TicketResource::class;
protected static string $view = 'filament.resources.ticket-resource.pages.view-ticket';

public function getMaxContentWidth(): ?string
return 'full';

public function mount(int | string $record): void
$this->record = $this->resolveRecord($record);
filament/resources/ticket-resource/pages/view-ticket (I resolved the object and passed it here)
@livewire('tickets.view-ticket', ['ticket' => $this->record])
@livewire('tickets.view-ticket', ['ticket' => $this->record])

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