Searching individually
How to add debounce to TextColumn::make('name')
->searchable(isIndividual: true)?
10 Replies
The docs say it's simply: ->searchDebounce(500)
I want to apply it to a TextColumn Table, I have tried debounce(500) it doesn't work
TextColumn doesn’t have a debounce. It’s not an input. TextInputColumn might have it though.
Oh okay, I understand, so you can't use it on text columns, right?
Um ... adding
to a Table TextColumn uses debounce(500) directly in the search field component:
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Actually there is already debounce but it's hardcoded, right?
That's what I'm seeing, yes. And that's what's happening in my app's searchable table-columns.
OK, thank you very much.
Searchable ties the query to the the search input which, because it’s an input, or at least modelable allows it to be debounced or live.