Not able to replace dashboard

Attempting to replace the standard dashboard with my own, and it's not working. I've followed the documentation (

namespace App\Filament\Pages;

use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Filament\Pages\Dashboard as FilamentDashboard;

class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';

public function render(): View
return view('filament.pages.dashboard');

namespace App\Filament\Pages;

use Illuminate\Contracts\View\View;
use Filament\Pages\Dashboard as FilamentDashboard;

class Dashboard extends FilamentDashboard
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';

public function render(): View
return view('filament.pages.dashboard');
and on my AppPanelProvider, I replaced the pages reference with my own dashboard:
And in my view:
It doesn't show "testing" anwhere when I reload the page. There's no error or anything either, it's just not seeing it.
11 Replies
Thijmen2y ago
You sure the dashboard class in the ->pages([]) is the right one?
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP2y ago
oof. good catch. I had use Filament\Pages\Dashboard; not use App\Filament\Pages\Dashboard;
Thijmen2y ago
So solved?
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP2y ago
yeah, I do have one follow-up that I've got it showing up, literally everything is gone (sidebar, styling, etc.):
No description
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP2y ago
What did I do wrong?
Thijmen2y ago
What do you want to do with the page? As far as i know you don't have to return a view
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP2y ago
I want to display a list of cards for each of the items in my app...had tried to use a widget but I couldn't get it working right and figured if I just stuck to livewire I could make it happen.
Thijmen2y ago
Is everything still missing with an empty view?
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP2y ago
Thijmen2y ago
Probably view isnt possible there Make a new #❓┊help with that question
Jon Mason
Jon MasonOP2y ago
ok thx

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