Top navbar hover
Is there a way to show top navbar list on hover. The default is on click
10 Replies
This is not currently possible, but you could code it up and submit PR for support
is it possible to change in the css
Yes, please read the docs
Top navbar hover · filamentphp filament · Discussion #8967
Hi, i want the top navbar list to show on hover, is there a way to do it.
thank you
But that is not exactly what i want to do, i want the list item to drop down when hover
original file:
You can create a custom view in resources/views/vendor/filament-panels/components/topbar/index.php
And develop what you needMaybe my question was not clear, i am using topnavigation, here Main Stocks is a navigation group and the resouce like Main Stocks and Stock Distributes appear on click, but i would like them to display when i hover

Leandro's comment is correct, you will need to code up the change as it's not natively supported?
okay, i access index.blade.php, can i edit the file to achieve display on hover