how can I insert the placeholder value into database?

I'm using filament-v2, in my create form I have a few calculative fields for which I'm using placeholders and I want these calculative values to get inserted into the database along with other field values of the form. What's wrong with my code, any help would be appreciated. TextInput::make('premium')->label('Premium Amount'), TextInput::make('no_passengers')->numeric()->label('Number of Passengers') ->reactive(), Placeholder::make('prsnl_acdnt_prm')->label('Personal Acc. Premium') ->reactive() ->content( function ($get) { $pap = $get('no_passengers') * 200; return $pap; }), Placeholder::make('total_premium')->label('Total Premium Amount')->reactive() ->content( function ($get) { $pap = $get('no_passengers') * 200; $sum = $get('premium') + $get('prsnl_acdnt_prm') + $pap; return $sum; })
I would suggest to use TextInput with ->disabled() and ->dehydrated() then no need to do extra when saving.. or If you want placeholder, then (maybe) you can get the value and make use of mutateFormDataBeforeCreate
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3 Replies
Vp10mo ago
I would suggest to use TextInput with ->disabled() and ->dehydrated() then no need to do extra when saving.. or If you want placeholder, then (maybe) you can get the value and make use of mutateFormDataBeforeCreate
leoPascal10mo ago
thank you for your reply @Vp . yeah TextInput works fine.
Yordo81#268mo ago
Please, could you post a code fragment where you solve your problem. I have a similar problem and I can't find a way to do it with a TextInput could you post a code fragment, please