Spatie Translatable filament plugin not RTL aware

Hello, I use Arabic (RTL) an English (LTR) languages. The package does not change the direction of the form field when chaining to to Arabic (RTL). I think this is not implement before. Any suggestion on how to implement this behavior or there is any contribution to upgrade the package to support direction change when language change? Thank you
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10 Replies
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’2y ago
Spatie Translatable has nothing to do with the layout you need something like #language-switch
Mohammed Alozaibi
Mohammed AlozaibiOPβ€’2y ago
I don't speak about the interface I speak about this package it gives a language switch, but the fields with Arabic language should be in RTL direction and en in LTR. However, it doesn't change, It is just the direction of the interface
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’2y ago
yes, RTL and LTR is a UI related, so the package wont change the direction unless you change the layout
Mohammed Alozaibi
Mohammed AlozaibiOPβ€’2y ago
But I want the user to see the content of the field in the proper direction (not related to the interface it uses)
Mohammed Alozaibi
Mohammed AlozaibiOPβ€’2y ago
I have done something like that in Voyager admin panel before. using pure js. But filament world is using livewire and alpine which I don't have experience with yet Extra Attributes will be done once, not changed with the spatie language switch button
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’2y ago
you can inject extraAttributes with livewire and do something like this not tested tho.. $livwire->getActiveFormsLocale() === 'ar' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
Mohammed Alozaibi
Mohammed AlozaibiOPβ€’2y ago
I see there is a solution, but I don't know to use it. I would appreciate a full explanation of where and how to implement this solution 🌹
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’2y ago
np πŸ™‚ in your resource add:
use Livewire\Component as Livewire;
use Livewire\Component as Livewire;
on the translatable field
->extraAttributes(function (Livewire $livewire) {
$dir = ($livewire->getActiveFormsLocale() === 'ar') ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
return ['dir' => $dir];
->extraAttributes(function (Livewire $livewire) {
$dir = ($livewire->getActiveFormsLocale() === 'ar') ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
return ['dir' => $dir];
Mohammed Alozaibi
Mohammed AlozaibiOPβ€’2y ago
You are a Hero! Thank you very much man. I really appreciate it 🌹

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