TextColumn tooltip displays content and theme
Hi everyone;
I'm trying to display a tooltip, but the output comes as shown - I reckon the content and theme bits are not supposed to be there.
Latest filament with no vendor directory etc. Any thoughts?

Solution:Jump to solution
Sorted after some more digging - I had a burried custom directive in my JS files which messed with x-tooltip
14 Replies
Can you show your code. I can't replicate this, but I need to know where you are putting the tooltip.
Latest filament with no vendor directory etcIt would be helpful if you named the actual Filament version. ... because it just so happens that today v3.0.70 was published which addresses some issues with tooltips. So, did you install your "latest Filament" before or after that update was published today?
Yes, it is 3.0.70

Hmmm. That's exactly the test case I tried with 3.0.70.
Are you running filament upgrade in your composer.json, as per install docs?
Already did everything I can figure
Presumably you've cleared view cache, etc.
Yes, php artisan filament:upgrade supposedly does it; I also did it manually.
Let me dig around in the code, see if I can spot any reason it might do that.
Is this in an admin panel, or standalone Table?
Only got tables and notifications installed from the filament toolkit
OK. I'll try standalone, I only tested in an admin panel, that might make a difference.
Just ended up publishing vendor files and changing
in filament-tables/components/columns/column.blade.php
Will do the trick for now till there's a solution/fix
Sorted after some more digging - I had a burried custom directive in my JS files which messed with x-tooltip
Hey, sorry, I had meant to get back to you and say I couldn't replicate this any which way.
In general, when you get some error like this where some fundamental functionality is broken on your site, and you don't see a buttload of other people complaining about it in #help ... it's usually something in your app breaking it. π
facing same issue