Select field in headerActions of $table is missing values

Hello, I'm building a header actions with Select form with an eloquent relationship. When i trigger the action the array $data is empty despite what values I pick in the select field. Is this a known bug or limitation?
4 Replies
DrByte2y ago
Can you share the code for your action and form?
mrdarknezzOP2y ago
$table ->headerActions([ Action::make('generate') ->label('Generera') ->form([ Select::make('categoryIds') ->relationship('categories', 'name') ->multiple() ->createOptionForm([ Forms\Components\TextInput::make('name'), ]), ])->action( function (array $data) { dd($data); } ) ])
mrdarknezzOP2y ago
No description
DrByte2y ago
I suppose inside your action() closure you could probably retrieve $this->getFormData()

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