Showing a success message after form validation and before submission

Hi guys, consider this field:
->helperText(new HtmlString("The name you choose here will be the name used to set up your repository, e.g.<strong>name</strong>.git."))
->default(function($state, $livewire) {
return RepositoryService::createDefaultRepositoryName($livewire->ownerRecord->name);
} )
->unique(ignoreRecord: true)
fn (Get $get): Closure => function (string $attribute, $value, Closure $fail) use ($get) {
if ($get('type') === 'github' && GithubService::create()->repoExists($value)) {
$fail("This repository already exists!");
->afterStateUpdated(function (Forms\Contracts\HasForms $livewire, Forms\Components\TextInput $component) {
->helperText(new HtmlString("The name you choose here will be the name used to set up your repository, e.g.<strong>name</strong>.git."))
->default(function($state, $livewire) {
return RepositoryService::createDefaultRepositoryName($livewire->ownerRecord->name);
} )
->unique(ignoreRecord: true)
fn (Get $get): Closure => function (string $attribute, $value, Closure $fail) use ($get) {
if ($get('type') === 'github' && GithubService::create()->repoExists($value)) {
$fail("This repository already exists!");
->afterStateUpdated(function (Forms\Contracts\HasForms $livewire, Forms\Components\TextInput $component) {
This succesfully shows an error message if the repository already exists, but I'd also like to show a green message if the repo name is ok! Also, bonus points if someone knows how to add some sort of spinner to the form while it's off doing its validation...
3 Replies
DrByte2y ago
As for displaying a green status message, perhaps you could inject it into the beginning of the helperText() upon success? Here's a way that awcodes did some status messaging into the helperText: I wonder if that gives some inspiration for your inquiry.
Meta component
Meta component. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Malcolm Turntbull
Thanks for the feedback, that's a great place for me to start - will have a look into it shortly!

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