
https://discord.com/channels/545926404785569793/1159872834517094551 理想はこれの運営とかの欄が返れてtagがついていなければ変えないようにしたい if player has tagをつけるとエラーでできません
できました! ありがとうございます...
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27 Replies
月猫ch2y ago
https://discord.com/channels/545926404785569793/1150301110335180871/1150303875228766269 これ付与対象【entity】だったから 多分playerも出来ると思う set metadata "permission" of player to "admin"
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
on chat:
if player has tag "tyuunibyou":
set the chat format to "[&6中二病&f] %player%: %message%"
if player has permission "op":
set the chat format to "[&d生活鯖運営&f] %player%: %message%"
set the chat format to "[&2鯖民&f] %player%: %message%"
on chat:
if player has tag "tyuunibyou":
set the chat format to "[&6中二病&f] %player%: %message%"
if player has permission "op":
set the chat format to "[&d生活鯖運営&f] %player%: %message%"
set the chat format to "[&2鯖民&f] %player%: %message%"
現在これの2行目 if player has tag "tyuunibyou":でエラーをはいているのですがどこに付け足せばいいでしょうか
月猫ch2y ago
tyuunibyou をいつつけるかに寄ります 要するにtagつけの段階からskriptで制御する発想なので…
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
GUIからできる感じですかね 自分の表示名をこれにするって感じです 要するにららあーすの上の句だけと思ってもらえれば
nennneko57872y ago
metadataは再起動したら消えてしまうはず 再起動して消えるのがいやなら変数を使いましょう {pdata::%player%::tag}
nennneko57872y ago
Minecraft Skript 基礎編 Part.1 - Qiita
#変数について・・・入門編で書こうか迷ったけど、変数は少し厄介だから、基礎編に書こうと思う。変数というのは簡単に言えば、あらゆるものを格納する箱だと思ってください。主な種類は 変数 一時変数 …
yukkina2y ago
scoreboard tagって意味かと思ったら違ったか
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
もしプレイヤーにtyuunibyouというtagがついてたらって if player has tagでいいですよね
月猫ch2y ago
あー…永久保存で 加えて可変的なのね… だとmetadataは不適合だな っていうとしたら もう説明されてた
nennneko57872y ago
https://tryitands.ee/ (自分で試して)
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
tagでは難しかったので変えます もし{nicklv.%player%}が1だったらって指定できますかね? if {nick.%player%} = 1こんな感じですかね?
yukkina2y ago
月猫ch2y ago
https://tryitands.ee/ (自分で試して)
yukkina2y ago
はえーーーーーー せめて==じゃないのか
月猫ch2y ago
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
on join:
if name of player is "syumai2367":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 3
if name of player is ".silverfish1218":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
if name of player is ".koro20190414":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
if name of player is "Tacken":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
on join:
if name of player is "syumai2367":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 3
if name of player is ".silverfish1218":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
if name of player is ".koro20190414":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
if name of player is "Tacken":
set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
これだと 17:54:20 INFO]: 56行目: (onchat_1.sk) [17:54:20 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs [17:54:20 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1 こんな感じに出るんですが2回tab押すのであってますよね?
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
on chat:
if {nicklv.%player%} = 1:
set the chat format to "[&2LEVEL1&f] %player%: %message%"
if {nicklv.%player%} = 2:
set the chat format to "[&5LEVEL2&f] %player%: %message%"
if {nicklv.%player%} = 3:
set the chat format to "[&4LEVEL3&f] %player%: %message%"
set the chat format to "[&aLEVEL0&f] %player%: %message%
on chat:
if {nicklv.%player%} = 1:
set the chat format to "[&2LEVEL1&f] %player%: %message%"
if {nicklv.%player%} = 2:
set the chat format to "[&5LEVEL2&f] %player%: %message%"
if {nicklv.%player%} = 3:
set the chat format to "[&4LEVEL3&f] %player%: %message%"
set the chat format to "[&aLEVEL0&f] %player%: %message%
これでスコアが1ならなどと定義しているのですが elseのほうになってしまいます。
No description
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
command /status [<player>]:
if arg is not set:
send "your status=========="
send "レベル:%{nicklv.%player%}%"
send "総チャット数:%{totalchat.%player%}%"
set {dif.%player%} to {chatlv.%player%} - {nick.%player%}+1
send "次のレベルまで:%{dif.%player%}%"
send "====================="
if arg is set:
send "%arg%'s status=========="
send "レベル:%{nicklv.%arg%}%"
send "総チャット数:%{totalchat.%arg%}%"
set {dif.%arg%} to {chatlv.%arg%} - {nick.%arg%}+1
send "次のレベルまで:%{dif.%arg%}%"
send "====================="
command /status [<player>]:
if arg is not set:
send "your status=========="
send "レベル:%{nicklv.%player%}%"
send "総チャット数:%{totalchat.%player%}%"
set {dif.%player%} to {chatlv.%player%} - {nick.%player%}+1
send "次のレベルまで:%{dif.%player%}%"
send "====================="
if arg is set:
send "%arg%'s status=========="
send "レベル:%{nicklv.%arg%}%"
send "総チャット数:%{totalchat.%arg%}%"
set {dif.%arg%} to {chatlv.%arg%} - {nick.%arg%}+1
send "次のレベルまで:%{dif.%arg%}%"
send "====================="
こう書いているので2だと思います 詳しいことわからなくてすいません
月猫ch2y ago
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
syumaidaaaOP2y ago
broadcastはエラーなし skriptリロード
[19:32:59 INFO]: 66行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 3
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 65行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: if name of player is "syumai2367":
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 68行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 67行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: if name of player is ".silverfish1218":
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 70行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 69行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: if name of player is ".koro20190414":
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 72行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
[19:32:59 INFO]: 66行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 3
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 65行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: if name of player is "syumai2367":
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 68行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 67行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: if name of player is ".silverfish1218":
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 70行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 69行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: Empty configuration section! You might want to indent one or more of the subsequent lines to make them belong to this section or remove the colon at the end of the line if you don't want this line to start a section.
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: if name of player is ".koro20190414":
[19:32:59 INFO]:
[19:32:59 INFO]: 72行目: (onchat_1.sk)
[19:32:59 INFO]: indentation error: expected 8 spaces, but found 2 tabs
[19:32:59 INFO]: 該当部分: set {permissionlv.%player%} to 1
こんな感じです ここがエラーはいてる感じですかね?
yukkina2y ago
スペースと タブか 混同してるねん VSCodeつかってれば右下から一括で変換できるよん
syumaidaaa2y ago
できました! ありがとうございます
yukkina2y ago
質問「特定のtagがついている人だけ・・・」 回答「できました!ありがとうございます」 っていう風に検索した時に出てくるのか(困惑)

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