Minimal Theme

Hi, first of all I wanted to apologize if this doesn't go here, but I've been waiting for it for a while. I have a problem, I recently purchased the minimal Theme and received the license but have not received access to the GitHub. It is order # 37, I have no problem giving more information if needed. Best regards and thanks for everything.
1 Reply
DrByte2y ago
I can't speak for Filament, but I see that that plugin's "Support" link points here to this forum. And, since it's sold by "Filament", I guess it gets supported here in their Discord. I do notice that on the Plugins page that the "Minimal Theme" plugin is "pre-selling" .... does that mean it's "not quite ready", which might explain the delay? Was your license code sent by email? Have you inquired using that email address? The normal rules are not to @ mention Filament staff ... but if it's been many days since you ordered and there's no response to their emails, then I'd guess it's probably justified to break the rules and @-mention someone in Filament staff ... in case their sales system is broken and they don't know it.

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