Decrease Inventory Asset Quantity

Please i have an asset resource that i can add product with quantity and i have an inventoryRequest resource that i can retrieve the product added from asset with quantity, I want the quantity to reduce or decrease whenever i retrieve in inventoryRequest
in your inventoryRequest you can use a hook ```...
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4 Replies
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’2y ago
in your inventoryRequest you can use a hook
protected function afterCreate(): void
// Runs after the form fields are saved to the database.
protected function afterCreate(): void
// Runs after the form fields are saved to the database.
Lara Zeus
Lara Zeusβ€’17mo ago
since the delete is an action, so you can do before and after it's in the actions docs too πŸ™‚ will, this is a business decision πŸ™‚ so it depends on the business . but I would decrease the quantity as you said
sadiqgoni13OPβ€’17mo ago
This is great Thankyou All

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