QUERY regarding swags...
"The first 30 contributors to get 5 merged PRs throughout the period of Hacktoberfest get the premium swag kit. The first 90 contributors to get 3 merged PRs throughout the period of Hacktoberfest get the normal swag kits"
Doesn't the above paragraph contradict this sentence? _ "Win a swag pack for just 3 merged PRs!" - Both mentioned on the same hacktoberfest page of novu
13 Replies
It didn't mention top90 wld only be eligible in top part of the page, so I need some clarity on it.
Hey @prithvi2k2 👋 Thanks for asking this. @unicodeveloper can you please help and clarify?
I edited my first msg with typos which may lead to potential confusion... pls read again.. fk my phone keyboard
Hey @prithvi2k2 I believe this information is clear in the FAQs on the page.
It was also mentioned in the hacktoberfest kickoff call & has been mentioned in the events we have had this week @prithvi2k2
“Win a swag pack for just 3 PRs” is correct & is not contradictory because if you can get 3 merged PRs amongst the first set of 90 contributors, then you will have it.
Unfortunately, as with everything in life, resources are limited, so we can only do it for the first 90 contributors. And it will difficult to put that as a header
leaderboard only shows a few contributions and are other contribution hidden due to space constraints or is that all on leaderboard
The leaderboard gets updated every week. It’s not real-time.
I’ll have to add this to the FAQ so that people are aware & don’t panick.
Nah mb, i shldnt even be worrying abt swags at all, ok close this thread pls
No it’s perfectly valid. I love that you dropped your concerns here. Many others might be confused as well. So it’s good feedback
Also, I don't see any difference bw normal and premium packs? Wts the difference bw them
@prithvi2k2, you just advanced to level 1!
This is a surprise for the folks that get it at the end of the day. But we mentioned it on our kick off call too.
Another reason to update the FAQ page 😅
Can I get link to this FAQ section?
Pls go to hacktoberfest page on novu website... novu.co/hacktoberfest
You'll find them at the bottom