Unable to connect to PSQL
I am having trouble perform DB backups (running outside Railway), for some DBs I am able to connect but for this one I am getting a timeout. Any clues what could be causing this?
failed: connection to server at "containers-us-west-43.railway.app" (, port 6010 failed: Connection timed out
15 Replies
Project ID:
is this a database plugin or a database service?
try restarting it
I did try that
anything in the databases logs that would indicate failure?
there is literarly nothing in the DB logs, as the DB is sitting iddle and I wanted to make a dump before deleting it
and my guess is the socket does not even reach the DB since I get a connection error like nothing is listening on that port
absolutely no logs of any kind what so ever?
well that's odd, is there anything important or of value?
okay then you're pro so please email the team about this
[email protected]
I just found out that I can connect to the DB from my local machine, but not from the machine I want to make the dump to 🙂 so it maybe something strange there
then there's some firewall in place
railway doesn't have a firewall or any kind of access restrictions like that, so it would have to be on your side of things