Custom View field doesn't recognize css changes???

Really confused as to why my custom view field won't recognize any CSS changes. I was trying to add padding originally and couldn't figure out why it wasn't changing at all.. So I removed everything to where I literally just have <div class="bg-red-700">Text</div> in my view, and it doesn't show the background. Why would that be? here's my class:
class ContactCard extends Component
protected string $view = '';

protected array $items = [];

public static function make(): static
return new static();

public function items(array $items): static
$this->items = $items;

return $this;

public function getItems(): array
return $this->items;
class ContactCard extends Component
protected string $view = '';

protected array $items = [];

public static function make(): static
return new static();

public function items(array $items): static
$this->items = $items;

return $this;

public function getItems(): array
return $this->items;
and my view file:
@foreach ($getItems() as $item)

<div class="bg-red-700">Text</div>

@foreach ($getItems() as $item)

<div class="bg-red-700">Text</div>

and within my form:

ContactCard::make('contacts')->items(User::all()->pluck('first_name', 'id')->toArray()),


ContactCard::make('contacts')->items(User::all()->pluck('first_name', 'id')->toArray()),

7 Replies
awcodes10mo ago
You’ll need to make a custom theme if you want to use tailwind classes that are not part of Filament.
Jon Mason
Jon Mason10mo ago
ok, so even to do something like adding margin to a div, I need a custom theme?
awcodes10mo ago
if you want to use tailwind, then yes. That's just how tailwind works. you're of course still free to use vanilla css. 🙂
Jon Mason
Jon Mason10mo ago
ok, maybe I need to brush up on tailwind a bit. Have used primarily bootstrap in the past and was kind of looking at tailwind as if it functions the same way, but I guess there are more than a few differences..
awcodes10mo ago
yea, tailwind has a build step so it can build up the final css file based on the classes it sees in the files you tell it to scan. this keeps the stylesheet as small as possible. other wise it'd be like a 10MB file. 🙂
Jon Mason
Jon Mason10mo ago
makes sense!