Redirect to livewire component doesnt trigger error

I am trying to redirect to a livewire component, but the error is not being shown. I fill the error based on a ErrorMessage livewire component This is what I am trying to do in the mount() of my OrderForm
if (Route::getRoutes()->match(Request::create(request()->session()->previousUrl()))->getName() === 'orders.confirmation') {
event: 'error',
error: 'Er is iets misgegaan met de betaling. Probeer het later opnieuw.'
if (Route::getRoutes()->match(Request::create(request()->session()->previousUrl()))->getName() === 'orders.confirmation') {
event: 'error',
error: 'Er is iets misgegaan met de betaling. Probeer het later opnieuw.'
Is this the right moment to do the dispatch?
1 Reply
Patrick Boivin
What are you trying to do exactly? Can you describe the result you want in a plain sentence?

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