Best way to manage single record resource?

I have a couple of places where I want single record resources (user settings, company details etc.). What’s the best way to build these? I want to add an item to the menu which goes to either the edit or view page (there is no index page) for the user’s instance of that resource. Each user has a single record, some are shared by tenants. When would the record be created? When saving for the first time? Or can it be created when the user is so it’s ready? I don’t have a prefence either way right now.
2 Replies
toeknee2y ago
You can just build a simple single page if that's the case. Or in V3 you could try and use an Action which loads a modal or a slideover and do it that way
Ric Le Poidevin
Ric Le PoidevinOP2y ago
Thank you!

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