Order of widgets on panel, panel layout & injecting views
Thank you everyone so far who have supported me on my Filament journey!
At the moment, I'm struggling to understand:
1) How to change the order of widgets in a panel? I've tried changing the order in the panel provider, changing the sort attribute inside widget, but it doesn't seem to work.
2) In the attached picture there is a "hidden" widget between the two visible widgets. How can I control the grid, so that the spacing works correctly?
3) I have bunch of things I want to conditionally enable on pages, panels and resources. I have a render hook, but I can't really conveniently send any data to view that's included that way. Also getFooter doesn't allow me to send any data from widget.
I can't really remember banging my head against the wall quite so much with any other framework I've been learning. I feel like I'm missing some fundamental understanding of the framework... Or maybe Filament and me are just not compatible.
Any help here is appreciated!
Once I learn it well enough, there are at least couple of things I will promise to document for the community if they don't exist / someone else doesn't get there before me:
1) Structure of a request (what gets called at what point, what data is available)
2) Order of rendering things
3) General architectural diagram

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