repeater checkbox problem
want only select one checkbox in repeter form
how can i handle

14 Replies
any one available ?
So I would simply do:|
basically, if state is ticked, untick the other
doest not work this solution
this solution is all over checkbox uncheck
when i call state the only current index pick i want to only current checked and other is false
Ok we need to see your code how you have built the above for us to understand it.

actully when afterStateUpdated trigred he only get current state get not get other
Ugh that's a mess, you are setting the one thats updated
yeah it pick only current state
Add to uol
add to col
when i click on checkbox cliecked chekcbox unchecked and not impect other checkbox
You need to add ->reactive() to the checkboxes...
i have add live() now will remove live() and replace reactive()
tested working on V2
reactive() is replaced with live() in v3.
ok will check that