SelectFilter for multiple values in Json in field NOT WORKING

Hello. I have a field called TAGS where user can select multiple. I casted in the model:
protected $casts = [
'tags' => 'array',
protected $casts = [
'tags' => 'array',
And field is type: longText and stores in JSON like this: ["registros","otros"] when user selected those two values. I am trying the SelectFilter like this:
'registros' => 'registros',
'plusvalías' => 'plusvalías',
'otros' => 'otros',
'registros' => 'registros',
'plusvalías' => 'plusvalías',
'otros' => 'otros',
And nothing thows an error, and I can select one or more of those options, but NO DATA IS RETRIEVED. As it was a simple field, I did not create a pivot table or relation for this. Any ideas of how I can customize my filter to work?? Something like CONTAINS or WhereIn ? Thank you very much.
After quite a lot time testing and looking for information and debugging the returned array, I have the solution working: ```php SelectFilter::make('tags') ->multiple()...
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2 Replies
Albert Lens
Albert Lens2y ago
After quite a lot time testing and looking for information and debugging the returned array, I have the solution working:
->query(function (Builder $query, array $data): Builder {
return (count($data['values'])==0) ? $query : $query->whereJsonContains('tags', $data['values']);
->query(function (Builder $query, array $data): Builder {
return (count($data['values'])==0) ? $query : $query->whereJsonContains('tags', $data['values']);
Albert Lens
Albert LensOP2y ago
The solution is the query with the whereJsonContains(...)

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