[SOLVED] No fog rendered in v2.0.0-alpha?

I'm trying the nightly builds of 2.0 for Forge in MC 1.20, default DH settings, single player and no shaders, nor other mods loaded. As can be seen in the picture, regardless the LOD generation is still in progress, it looks like there is no fog rendered at all. Is that the expected behavior? If there should be fog instead, is there any setting I should try tweaking? Thanks!!!
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23 Replies
MarijnIsN00B2y ago
Did you check the fog settings? And if your DHs render distance is really high, the LODs might not have generated to the point where you can see fog
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Fog settings are the default ones. And I even reduced DH distance to i.e. 48 chunks (vanilla render distance is 8) and still no fog even when all the LODs so far were rendered.
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BackSun2y ago
This is not expected behavior. Are you using any other mods? If not try: - closing the game, deleting your DH config, and rebooting the world - using the fabric loader
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
James, thanks for answering. I'm not using other mods and I cleared the config already. What do you mean by rebooting the world? Deleting all chunk and LOD data? I can try with Fabric too. Will report back.
BackSun2y ago
I just meant re-opening Minecraft. Sounds good 👍
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Tried with Fabric but the result is the same: no fog. How can I help debugging this? PS: FWIW I have an extensive programming background, even in Java. But no Minecraft development experience, yet!
BackSun2y ago
My only thought is that something got screwed up in the advanced fog config. You said you already: closed minecraft, deleted your DH config file (.mineacraft/config/distantHorizons.toml), and re-opened minecraft; is that right? Try going through all fog related settings and clicking the "reset" button to make sure they are all on their default values. Otherwise try downloading either RC3 and/or the latest nightly from #links.
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Yeah. I already did so: deleted the config, restarted MC, clicked reset in every fog-related button but nothing happens. Currently using the nightly build from 2-3 night ago. Where can I find RC3? Can test with that version and report back.
BackSun2y ago
#announcements, if that doesn't fix it then I'm afraid I'm not sure what the problem could be (provided there aren't any errors in the logs).
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Ok. Giving it a try. And no, no errors unfortunately. Any debug setting that can be enabled to help figuring this out?
BackSun2y ago
Unfortunately none related to fog. The only other idea I have is that something may be goofy with your GPU drivers, make sure they are up to date.
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Well, there is not much I can do there. I’m testing in an Intel MacBook Pro. OS is up to date.
BackSun2y ago
Then there is a chance that Mac doesn't like our fog shader, although I thought I've seen other mac users with fog...
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Ok. I will test RC3 and the newer nightly builds anyway. If there is anything else you would like me to try, just let me know. Really happy to help. The job you guys are doing is awesome. This mod improves MC so much!!!
BackSun2y ago
Well, it depends on how willing you are to debug OpenGL code 🙃 Otherwise I'd recommend trying out one of the stable builds (IE 1.6.X, available on CurseForge/Modrinth), to see if this is a recent issue.
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
I may have some time in a couple of weeks. It has been ages since I played with OpenGL but… 😃 And I’ve been in 1.6 until very recently when updated to MC 1.20. Then I had to switch to 2.0.
BackSun2y ago
I assume that means the fog was working in 1.6?
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Yes, it was!
BackSun2y ago
If you use the 2.0 build on other versions of MC do you have the same issue? (MC 1.16 and 1.18 specifically).
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP2y ago
Will try that too and post the results here. Ok. Just tested 1.18.2 and 1.16.5. No mods, no data packs, just Forge and DH 2.0.0 from the #links channel. Config cleared, new world, etc. 1.18.2+nightly/RC3: No fog. 1.16.5+nightly/RC3: Freezes before the first frame is rendered. The screen is just fog, ironically. Also tested Forge 1.20.1 and 1.20.2 with nightly and all crashed. Only Forge 1.20 with nightly 1.20.1 worked so far. But as said, no fog.
BackSun2y ago
What was the log for the crashes?
Thragg2y ago
im getting the same problem! no fog is rendering at the edges of the chunks
Gabriel Montes
Gabriel MontesOP17mo ago
For the records, switched to MC 1.20.2, Fabric and 1.20.2 nightly builds. Still no fog. Tried the RC4 with Fabric and the fog is back!

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