Modifying default page layout.

Hi! I've been following Filament for a while, and am using it for the first time on a small website for a family business. It's incredibly easy to use. I suspect either I'm overthinking this, or am missing something - and the answer might simply be "publish the filament-panels files and modify the index.blade.php file.". If so, please say. I am not a particular fan of the large gap on a page between the heading and the tables added. I think I've narrowed it down to the h-full class on the section element added to the page. Is there a way of removing this without needing to publish/edit the vendor views, and subsequently, is doing this change likely to result in a wonky layout that I may not have encountered yet?
run composer update and you should be fine.
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34 Replies
awcodes2y ago
Create a theme and override with css. Don’t publish the views unless you absolutely have no choice.
AnthaasOP2y ago
So, I have a theme in order to change the colours used by the page, however, it seems that this isn't an option for removing classes on specific HTML elements on specific pages?
awcodes2y ago
I’m your theme css you can target the element you need with the ‘.fi-‘ classes and override them. And you don’t need the theme to change the colors in v3. 🙂
AnthaasOP2y ago
Ahhh - that's good to know. 😂 Its my Admin dashboard. I wanted to use the same branded components as the front-end uses. I have blade components for it. I suspect my selector, then, would need to be .fi-page > section and I'd need to remove the h-full class.
awcodes2y ago
Well you wouldn’t remove the h-full. You would assign it a new height. That’s how the cascade works.
AnthaasOP2y ago
For context.
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awcodes2y ago
Not looking at the code, that selector may not be right but that’s the idea. Wow. Something else is going on here. The default page and dashboard don’t have that spacing. Do you have any plugins installed?
AnthaasOP2y ago
Hmm - this is how it came by default. I followed the instructions into a fairly new Laravel project. The existing tailwind.config.js only specifies colours. For plugins - filament-panels. That's it - and the ones that it comes with by default.
awcodes2y ago
Yea. Something else is going on here. Did you follow the theme docs.
AnthaasOP2y ago
Yeah - those steps exactly. However, this is how it looked before I ran those steps. The colour/font change on the header is because I published and modified the blade files. I can revert that if that isn't the correct approach, for sure. I've reverted back now to before publishing those files, and creating a theme, and that is how it is laid out, still.
awcodes2y ago
If you published the views. After deleting them make sure you clear laravels view cache too.
AnthaasOP2y ago
Just ran php artisan view:clear - no change in the UI.
awcodes2y ago
Fair warning too, never publish views unless it is absolutely necessary. If you remove the viteTheme() from your panel do you still have the issue.?
AnthaasOP2y ago
Yeah - that's fair. I tend to prefer not to - its a nightmare for maintenance with upgrading etc. I just couldn't clearly see a way to do that, and to use my own components in the header, etc. Well, I had to remove that when I undid the custom theme changes, otherwise it would fail to load because of the now missing admin/theme.css file. I don't have a viteTheme call in there by default.
awcodes2y ago
Right but without the viteTheme modifier it will load filaments stylesheet by default. Are you sure you’re on v3? Run a ‘php artisan about’ and see what the version is.
AnthaasOP2y ago
Certain - one moment.
Oh sorry. That's Livewire 🙄
Filament .........................................................................................................................................
Packages ......................................................................................... filament, forms, notifications, support, tables
Version .................................................................................................................................. v3.0.64
Views .............................................................................................................................. NOT PUBLISHED
Filament .........................................................................................................................................
Packages ......................................................................................... filament, forms, notifications, support, tables
Version .................................................................................................................................. v3.0.64
Views .............................................................................................................................. NOT PUBLISHED
I haven't specified a viteTheme in my AdminPanelProvider, but it seems to be respecting my tailwing.config.js. At least in the colours used within the navigation menu, tables, and such. The page heading doesn't.
awcodes2y ago
Do you have a repo you can share? Something is definitely off. Hard to say without seeing the whole thing.
AnthaasOP2y ago
Hmm. I do, but its private. I could invite you as a collaborator, potentially?
awcodes2y ago
That’s up to you. You’re of course free to remove me after I’ve been able to look at it. Will probably be tomorrow before I can look at it though.
AnthaasOP2y ago
That's reasonable - its getting fairly late for me too. I will be around tomorrow, shall we pick this up then, if that's good with you?
awcodes2y ago
No worries. I’ll be back in the office tomorrow so, my response might be staggered but feel free to add me and I’ll look at it as soon as I can.
AnthaasOP2y ago
I have invited you to the repository now. The branch is add.filament . Thank you for your help on this. I am also working tomorrow, so won't be on until perhaps about 5:30PM UK time.
awcodes2y ago
No worries. I’m on US time so, keep that in mind. Lol.
AnthaasOP2y ago
No worries - you are helping me, so I am flexible to you. I am about now, so whenever is good for you.
awcodes2y ago
Sorry. Didn’t get a chance to pull it down today. I will as soon as I can though.
AnthaasOP2y ago
Not a problem at all, I'm thankful for your offer to help. I will be heading off for the night soon anyway. I'll catch you tomorrow, if that is OK?
awcodes2y ago
Of course it’s ok. Cheers. Have a good night.
AnthaasOP2y ago
Good evening, I'll be around for a while now.
awcodes2y ago
looks like there was a bug in the version of Filament you have installed.
awcodes2y ago
run composer update and you should be fine.
AnthaasOP2y ago
Yeah - that seems to have sorted it. Thank you for helping. The odds of that 😂 just my luck.
AnthaasOP2y ago
I've revoked your access to that repository now - thanks again. Appreciate it.
awcodes2y ago
No worries. I’m not mad about it. 😂
AnthaasOP2y ago
Of course 🙂 Was just letting you know so you didn't have it littering your GitHub, and beyond that, just showing appreciation 😄

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