Filament17mo ago
Phuc Le

Using Tab component with Table Builder

I am using the Blade Tab component with Table Builder in my project:
<x-filament::tabs label="Content tabs">
@foreach($this->types as $key => $count)
:active="$key === $type"
wire:click="$set('type', '{{ $key }}')"
{{ $typeOptions[$key] ?? str($key)->headline() }}

<span class="sm:inline hidden">
({{ number_format($count) }})

{{ $this->table }}
<x-filament::tabs label="Content tabs">
@foreach($this->types as $key => $count)
:active="$key === $type"
wire:click="$set('type', '{{ $key }}')"
{{ $typeOptions[$key] ?? str($key)->headline() }}

<span class="sm:inline hidden">
({{ number_format($count) }})

{{ $this->table }}
The issue is when I click the tab, it will run $set('type', '{{ $key }}') to set the type, and I will load type in my $table->relationship() method like this:
->relationship(fn() => $this->when($this->type), fn(Builder $query) => $query->where('type', $this->type)))
->relationship(fn() => $this->when($this->type), fn(Builder $query) => $query->where('type', $this->type)))
The issue the table is not re-render when I click the tab in the 1st click, it only re-re-render when I click 2nd click (feel like defer effect). For example: If I click tab A, it doesn't show content of tab A in the table, but when I click tab B, then it show the content of tab A. And if I click tab C, it shows content of tab B.
5 Replies
toeknee17mo ago
Hmm, did you mount and fill on boot of the component first? If it's not been filled then that would likely explain that scenario
Phuc Le
Phuc LeOP17mo ago
@toeknee I am not sure what you mean, but I do have a mount method in that component and no boot method
public function mount()
$this->authorize('view', $this->keywordReport);
public function mount()
$this->authorize('view', $this->keywordReport);
toeknee17mo ago
In mount put: $this->form->fill();
Phuc Le
Phuc LeOP17mo ago
I just did, but it doesn't work
public function mount()
$this->authorize('view', $this->keywordReport);

public function mount()
$this->authorize('view', $this->keywordReport);

toeknee17mo ago
Then I am unsure, sorry

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