Custom topbar (navbar) component to specific panel

I want to change topbar of the panel with my new custom component. If I add this new component to the folder with path: resources/views/vendor/filament-panels/components/topbar/, it works. However it updates all panels. What I really want is to update only in specific panel, not all. Is there any way to configure the panel, so that it would only update/take components from this path: /resources/views/filament/{panelId}/?
4 Replies
toeknee2y ago
Get the current panel id before applying your own one?
ShoxruxOP2y ago
No, I have panelId = customer, and I want to put my component inside resources/views/filament/customer/vendor/filament-panels/components/topbar and set customer panel to search components inside that folder
awcodes2y ago
you would have to create a whole custom layout yourself to make this work. the topbar is part of filaments view components, and overriding views in Laravel just doesn't work that way.
ShoxruxOP2y ago
Thank you, I created a custom layout as you said (copied original one), and updated to this: @if (filament()->getCurrentPanel()->getId() === 'customer') <x-filament-panels::topbar-custom :navigation="$navigation" /> @else <x-filament-panels::topbar :navigation="$navigation" /> @endif

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