Filament2y ago

file upload size

hi any idea why i can't upload files more than 1MB in production using filepond i have set upload_max_filesize 100M 100M post_max_size 100M 100M 'rules' => 'max:200000', // Example: ['file', 'mimes:png,jpg'] | Default: ['required', 'file', 'max:12288'] (12MB) in livewire.php livewire.js?id=3605227a:3578 POST .../livewire/upload-file?expires=1696423665&signature=ba27d531e72aee40dfdca79aea9ef311c028e369ae99d33c848510e3a15016ae 413 (Payload Too Large)
5 Replies
awcodes2y ago
that all looks ok to me. 1MB is weird though, even php.ini is set higher than that by default. could there be something else on your server restricting that limit to 1MB
vasOP2y ago
im not sure i will need to check the nginx config see if its anything there ,will get back to you need to do a school run there is nothing i can see in nginx configuration that will limit this also phpinfo() returns the correct sizes set in the php.ini
toeknee2y ago
client_max_body_size I suspect for th enginx. Here is a good doc https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-bsd-nginx-413-request-entity-too-large/
Nginx: 413 - Request Entity Too Large Error and Solution
Explains how to fix nginx server error "413 - Request Entity Too Large" and allow large uploads under BSD/Linux/UNIX like operating systems.
vasOP2y ago
ok thanks ill have a look @toeknee you were correct thank you
toeknee2y ago

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