Saving form as draft and validate all except `required`

I have a couple of long forms that I'd like to save as a draft after a field is blurred. Most fields have some specific validation, and due to technical constraints, that validation is crucial (there's no other validation before putting in DB) . Most of the fields are marked as ->required(). How can I achieve this? 1. What's the best way to update the draft on every change in any of fields? 2. How can I apply all validation rules except ->required() when updating draft? (The effect here would be that we're also giving instant feedback is field is not valid) Note, that I'm using the form in a custom Page inside the panel.
3 Replies
toeknee2y ago
I built a custom save button for same and resume later which skips the get state, but also have a status so when they have published state certain fiels are reuqired. So the closures on the required would be like: ->required(fn(Closure $get) => $get('status') === 'published')
KarlisJOP2y ago
Thank you @toeknee that's good idea to play leverage closure for ->required( call. I'll explore it. Any idea on calling the method every time field value is entered?
toeknee2y ago
You would need to use the afterStateUpdated method

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