I installed filament and I can't log in.
I installed filament and I can't log in.
I did everything, created the admin user, but I can't log in.
43 Replies
did the data exist in database?
is there any error returns?
Hello. if the user is created. and it doesn't give any error, you just see the filamentphp login page again
Are you using the FilamentUser contract on your User Model? https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/panels/users#authorizing-access-to-the-panel
is xampp
Is the user record in the user table of Mysql or something like that?
I did the steps to create the user as requested by the filamentphp documentation, and I do see the user that is created in phpmyadmin
I did another installation and the same thing happens.
Did you configure the database in the .env file?
and then do php artisan migrate

php artisan make:filament-user, you create this?
Yeah. It is just the user that is seen created in the second image

I am working on localhost xampp
show .env file pls

It seems ok, do php artisan migrate:fresh and then create the first user
another alternative is to create a user per seeder
why /public ?
what is the error on the browser?
or delete this .env and create a new one by copying the .env.example, then just assign the key and define the db
I think you have a setup issue
You could try it in a diff way https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/configure-a-laravel-project-with-custom-domain-name/
How to Configure a Laravel Project with a Custom Domain Name on Win...
Laravel's simplicity and MVC architecture make it an ideal PHP framework for building web applications. In this article, I will show you how to set up Laravel on your Windows machine and configure it to run on a custom domain name. This guide is best suited for a beginner
I already created a new user and the .env file also changed it
create a user per seeder

I already finished doing it.
The strange thing is that it doesn't give an error. Only the login does not work.
you installed the php artisan filament:install --panels?
uninstall everything and install laravel and filament again from scratch
When you run php artisan serve does it give an error?
sin uso de servicio artesanal php. uso solo xampp
I don't use php artisan serve. I use only xampp
ho ok
I uninstalled and created everything again. I even set permissions of 777 to the files to test if that wasn't the problem, but it's still the same.
you have to do it with laravel and composer, only with xampp you will never leave the same
php artisan serve. Where is phpmyadmin?
in the .env file
What I mean is that in xampp I have where to manage mysql. in artisan serve where do I manage mysql?
I just use xampp with php myadmin and when running php artisan serve I open the app

you were absolutely right. It was php artisan serve.
thank you very much Miss.
good, it's solved, have fun
You're welcome
thank you
note: when you are running
php artisan serve
you aren't using webserver from xamppYes I know