Weird Issue where review app assets are being served from prod url.

We've been using Cloudflare Pages for a while with no issues but experienced a very weird one today. We pushed a branch up and successfully had a review app built (deployment id fac89fa3-6f1c-4380-ad53-689ca542993e) that included as an example this compiled file with hash: For some reason, this exact file is also viewable on our Production Cloudflare Pages URL: Aside, it's NOT visible on the CNAME alias for that dev domain: It's unclear how this file is winding up at our production pages app url. We only observed this because requests to production were referencing this file, which has our STAGING ENV variables in it. Have I lost my marbles? Or done something stupid?
2 Replies
Erisa2y ago
Does the timeline line up with
For any preview deployments made between 17:19 UTC and 19:24 UTC, Cloudflare Pages is serving those deployments on the production URLs ( and any custom domains).
blameguffawOP2y ago
Doh! Thank you, I didn't see it because the incident was over by the time we looked.

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