How to speedup livewire update response on edit page relation manager?
I have edit page with 2 relation manager, and every change tab between 2 relation manager, the speed very slow.
I try to test on the demo here, the speed is fast, i check the livewire update on networks browser, the size request is small just 7Kb, but if i check the size on the result , size is 48Kb.
How to do that?
7 Replies
Sounds like your query or relationship isn’t set up correctly. Or you’re not indexing your tables appropriately.
i have indexing the tables
This is from demo page

Transferred only 5.8 kB and resource size is 46.2 kB
this is from my website

Transferred is 80.8 kB and resource size is 79.8 kB
very difference from the demo
well, you could be transferring more data.
as for the speed, you could even have an n+1 problem in the relationship.
you can't really compare your app performance to the demo.