Widget on Resource page which updates based on Table data

Hi, Is it possible to have a widget that has count etc from the data in the table? This video shows exactly what I am after but I cannot work out how they have done it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7RkStx7o0M Thanks.
Sandia Tech
Laravel Filament Table Builder - Select & Ternary Filters
Laravel Filament Table Builder Filters Select filters used when you want to filter a column based on a set of pre-defined options that the user can choose from Ternary filters allow you to easily create a select filter which has three states - usually true, false and blank!
3 Replies
LederpOP2y ago
Brilliant thank you... I obviously can't nagivate the docs well enough lol
DrByte2y ago
No worries. There's a wealth of information in the docs. I sometimes get lost looking in the wrong section (like here I looked in Tables for awhile, then realized these widgets aren't actually part of the table, they're part of the Resource which displays both the table and the widgets). Also, when your post has a solution here, mark it as solved by right-clicking the post with the answer and choosing "Apps"->"Mark Solution" ... that way it's easier for those providing help to know whether something's still pending or not.
All the best with your project!

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