Error using $rowLoop

I previously asked how to number each row and was directed to use $rowLoop in the documentation. I have use the example in the documentation and get the following error: get_class(): Argument #1 ($object) must be of type object, int given line 43: ($livewire->getTableRecordsPerPage * ( If I change getTableRecordsPerPage it works, but if using the excel export plugin: Undefined property: stdClass::$iteration line 61: $rowLoop->iteration + Is this a bug?
9 Replies
DrByte2y ago
Posting the code for your action/etc will probably make it easier to help. Also, to be clear, are you selecting records on-screen and asking those selected records to be exported? Or are you dumping the whole table to Excel?
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Please also read #✅┊rules
tommy_jeanslowOP2y ago
Sorry about that. This is right from the example on a fresh resource that I just created with one relationship. This is the only column other than the ID. TextColumn::make('index')->getStateUsing( static function (stdClass $rowLoop, HasTable $livewire): string { return (string) ( $rowLoop->iteration + ($livewire->getTableRecordsPerPage * ( $livewire->page - 1 )) ); } ),
Dennis Koch
Dennis Koch2y ago
Please really read #✅┊rules if you want people to help you 😉
tommy_jeanslowOP2y ago
App\Filament\Admin\Resources\PromotionOpsDCResource::App\Filament\Admin\Resources{closure}(): Argument #2 ($livewire) must be of type App\Filament\Admin\Resources\HasTable, App\Filament\Admin\Resources\PromotionOpsDCResource\Pages\ListPromotionOpsDCs given, called in /home/web/web/projects/public_html/filapanel/pfa/vendor/filament/support/src/C...
DrByte2y ago
Your error message says: "...Argument #2 ($livewire) must be of type App\Filament\Admin\Resources\HasTable ..." for
static function (stdClass $rowLoop, HasTable $livewire): string { Why is it referring to App\Filament\Admin\Resources\HasTable? I'm guessing you haven't imported the HasTable contract? (This is where having an IDE helps you when working with code/packages that are new to you.)
This is right from the example on a fresh resource that I just created with one relationship.
You can see in the example you copied from the docs that there's a use statement in the header showing which contract file to import, but which you haven't included in your code. And, I think you'll need to change $livewire->page to $livewire->paginators['page'] You can dd($livewire) inside your closure to inspect more of its properties. Edit: Also be aware that your current implementation may give undesired results if you allow column-sorting in your table, because the numbers won't stay with the reordered records. If you're not going to allow sorting, that may be fine. Just something to consider.
tommy_jeanslowOP2y ago
Thank you. I did know about HasTable, I had omitted it from the file while I was testing. I also elimited order. I believe I have it all working. There is one odd behaviour. It gives an error about $livewire->getTableRecordsPerPage not being an int when "all" is selected. I have a workaround, although pretty crude...I'm sure there is a much cleaner way to do this, unless I am doing something wrong altogether here and a fix is not needed? 😕 😕
static function (stdClass $rowLoop, HasTable $livewire): string { if($livewire->tableRecordsPerPage == 'all') { $tableRecordsPerPage = 9999; } else { $tableRecordsPerPage = $livewire->tableRecordsPerPage; } return (string) ($rowLoop->iteration + ($tableRecordsPerPage * ($livewire->paginators['page'] - 1 )) ); }
DrByte2y ago
I guess you could just set it to 1 if it's set to All, since you're multiplying by the per-page value.
awcodes2y ago
I believe ‘all’ should be -1

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