Upgraded to pro plan, created but then deleted my team

Hello, I updated to the pro plan and created a team. I then had some issues with a deployment and communication with the postgres db via private networking. As a last ditch effort to solve the issue myself I deleted my team with the idea of creating a new one. Since deleting the team I can no longer create a team without having to pay the $20 again which I have already been charged. I don't remember a warning when deleting the team that I was not able to make a new team without being charged again, only that the projects within a team would be deleted. Thanks!
3 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: fa92b238-fc0b-48a8-90bb-710fe88e1620
Rastavich10mo ago
Brody10mo ago
please email billing@railway.app to get them to restore or refund your team purchase, then come back and open a new help thread so I can help you with the postgres private networking isse