filter all

The 'all' filter for pagination in the table working has never worked for me for some reason. When I select 'all' It reverts to the filter with the lowest numerical value. Initially with default filament settings, it reverted to 15 records at a time (out of 1000+ records in my table), and now that I've set pagination options to 50, 100, 500 and 'all', it reverts to 50. All numerical pagination filters work perfectly, only the 'all' does not. My pagination is set up as follows: return $table ->paginated([50, 100, 500, 'all']) ->defaultPaginationPageOption(50) I appreciate any advice anyone could provide on the matter. thanks, Michael
3 Replies
DrByte2y ago
For me the "all" option works correctly. (And I updated one of mine with the code you posted above, and it correctly honored the 50 and 100 and 'all' values. So the part you posted seems right.) Unfortunately (something I haven't explored yet is that) for my 412 records it takes about 7-8 seconds to load the page after selecting "all", with no loading-indicator. That's for a 3-table column of straight record retrieval, no calculations/etc. But that leads me to the question: Do the 1000 records show up if you just wait? 👀
Ya, I know that's not ideal. I'm more curious to know whether that's the same that's happening in your case too ... in which case maybe there's a better way to send large datasets so it's speedier...
CalenoOP2y ago
Hi Dr. Byte. Unfortunately the records never show up using all, the filter just reverts to the smallest numerical value filter option
DrByte2y ago
Alright. Then it's probably necessary to see your code. Without being able to inspect the bigger picture it's hard to be any more helpful. It's probably necessary to dig into both your components and their templates to see what the template is picking up and why it's ignoring/skipping the configuration you're passing to it.

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