Summarize Relationship aggregate

Hi, is there a way to custom summarize a relationship sum aggregate? Something like:
->label('Total Hours')
->state(fn(Model $record) =>
$record->payroll_items_sum_reg_hours +
->using(fn(Builder $query): string =>
$query->payroll_items_sum_reg_hours + $query->payroll_items_sum_ot_hours)),
->label('Total Hours')
->state(fn(Model $record) =>
$record->payroll_items_sum_reg_hours +
->using(fn(Builder $query): string =>
$query->payroll_items_sum_reg_hours + $query->payroll_items_sum_ot_hours)),
This throws a: Undefined property: Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::$payroll_items_sum_reg_hours How could I access the relationship in the summarizer?
4 Replies
Somebody2y ago
did u import the builder class?
AmauryCidOP2y ago
Sure! But I guess Query\Builder doesn't work as Eloquent\Builder, so it can access Eloquent methods
Somebody2y ago
what eloquent method do u need? I believe it is query / builder as it uses less memory which is important when dealing with large number of records
AmauryCidOP2y ago
I need the sum method, you could see what I’m trying to do in my example code above.

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