Obtain source code for CloudFlare Pages project

We deployed a React app on Pages, but since then our team member who created it has left our team. Now we see that he created the repo on a personal Github account, so we don't have access to it to make changes. Is there any way to obtain the source code for the app? - Page: lynx-tools.pages.dev - Account ID: 93319a4f6745bec67f04b9383af1b77f
2 Replies
zegevlier2y ago
No, at least not via pages. Not only does pages only store the build artifacts, and not the source code, there is also no way to download all the files from a deployment at once.
QuaqSim2y ago
Assuming he didn’t leave on bad terms, the obvious thing to do would be to contact him and ask for the repository to be transferred to your personal account. After that, you can remove him as a collaborator and transfer it to your organisation. Alternatively, if you still consider him trustworthy and don’t have strict policies against it, you could add him to the organisation so he can transfer directly to that, then remove him again. https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/creating-and-managing-repositories/transferring-a-repository#transferring-a-repository-owned-by-your-personal-account

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