Is it possible to use FileUpload field without using Form build or Form component?
I am working on a project where i need build the Filepond livewire component. I am curios if its possible to use just the fileupload field without using the Form builder.
4 Replies
No. Sorry.
Is there any community built component that i can use?
The Filament FileUpload is so powerful, i wish i could use it..
I don't know of any off the top of my head. I'm sure they exist though.
just run a search for 'livewire filepond' or 'alpine filepond' on google, i'm sure you'll find something.
I found a few and have tried.
One of them went well with some more work.
currently i need to implement a way to preview private files
I have two options:
1) keep building what i have.
2) I copy over the filament file-upload and make it work.