C#10mo ago

❔ Free and open source IDE ? / How to make debug console work in CLI ?

Hello, I'm wondering is there any good free and open source IDE to program in .NET ? (with Avalonia) I didn't find any and I really don't want to use anything proprietary. I've tried using Helix with Omnisharp and Netcoredbg however I can't figure out how to make the damn Debug console work. For instance :
using System.Diagnostics;
Debug.WriteLine("Hello, World");
using System.Diagnostics;
Debug.WriteLine("Hello, World");
When ran with dotnet run just returns nothing at all. I don't understand why and how to fix it. All stuff I've seen used an IDE to solve that issue.
55 Replies
Angius10mo ago
The closest you can get would be VS Code with DevKit plugin Maybe VS Codium with the DevKit plugin But if you're looking for a full-scale IDE that's both open-source and free, there's none
Snow19688310mo ago
Thinker10mo ago
I don't think Dev Kit is available on VSCodium Dev Kit isn't open-source
Snow19688310mo ago
Apparently there is a Microsoft C# plugin on VSCodium
Thinker10mo ago
Yeah that's probably Omnisharp, which is the "old" C# extension
Snow19688310mo ago
oh OK Is it outdated ?
Angius10mo ago
Well, it works But it offers a sub-par experience compared to DevKit
Snow19688310mo ago
okay Do you know what needs to be ran in CLI to get the debug console ?
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Snow19688310mo ago
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Snow19688310mo ago
I want to limit proprietary on my system I don't trust Microsoft or any thing that isn't open source
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Unknown User10mo ago
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Snow19688310mo ago
For school I have a mandatory .NET course
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Snow19688310mo ago
Well that kinda sucks, and I prefer to avoid that
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Snow19688310mo ago
well actually vs code has an open source base vs codium
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Angius10mo ago
Well, limiting yourself willingly and going against the grain does make life suck often
Snow19688310mo ago
I came here to solve one of my issues as a beginner in C#, not to discuss my choices in software and licenses
Angius10mo ago
But hey, it's your choice
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Angius10mo ago
If you want to go full tinfoil hat open-source, use Vim with C# LSP You'll be miserable, but zero proprietary anything
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Angius10mo ago
Wait, is the LSP open-source? Use HolyC
Snow19688310mo ago
Angius10mo ago
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Snow19688310mo ago
With all respect I just want to know how to open a debug console in CLI right now There must be some way to do that, but I can't find it anywhere online
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Angius10mo ago
You can't find it anywhere online because nobody does it Everybody just uses VS or Rider, VS Code worst case scenario And use their debuggers
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Unknown User10mo ago
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Angius10mo ago
It's hard to find information about how to cut food with spoons, because the community of anti-knifers isn't particularly large
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Angius10mo ago
*Rider, singular
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Buddy10mo ago
VSCode is the only open source option that officially supports Avalonia
Snow19688310mo ago
Okay I will try to check it out
MODiX10mo ago
Apparently there is a Microsoft C# plugin on VSCodium
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Buddy10mo ago
https://avaloniaui.net/IDE-Extensions Here's officially supported IDEs, VSCode is the only "IDE" that is officially supported and Open-Source. As previously mentioned. And regarding VSCodium I have no clue what it supports and what it doesn't. Never used it.
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Snow19688310mo ago
Okay okay
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Snow19688310mo ago
I don't know if it's a debugger or not I just know that when I type Debug.WriteLine nothing shows up when I run dotnet run
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Snow19688310mo ago
I never said it was a debugger, I said it was called the debug console in some ides It's what's being used in Avalonia documentation and my lessons
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Unknown User10mo ago
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Snow19688310mo ago
oh yea, sorry
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Snow19688310mo ago
What does the Debug class do then ?
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Accord10mo ago
Was this issue resolved? If so, run /close - otherwise I will mark this as stale and this post will be archived until there is new activity.