Dispatching events from filament blade components

Hey, how does one dispatch events from filament blade components, for example the button? This works fine:
<button wire:click="$dispatch('post-created')">ABC</button>
<button wire:click="$dispatch('post-created')">ABC</button>
And this does not:
<x-filament::button wire:click="$dispatch('post-created')">ABC</x-filament::button>
<x-filament::button wire:click="$dispatch('post-created')">ABC</x-filament::button>
2 Replies
cheesegrits2y ago
Where is the listener? Is it in Alpine in the Browser, or on a Livewire method?
QuadruboOP2y ago
The listener is in a livewire method:
public function updatePostList()
public function updatePostList()
A lot of other stuff is also pretty weird: For example triggering an alert is working on all key presses:
<input type="text" @keyup="alert('test')">
<input type="text" @keyup="alert('test')">
And dispatching an event works on Enter only:
<input type="text" @keyup="$dispatch('post-created')">
<input type="text" @keyup="$dispatch('post-created')">

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