translate relation manager tabs
Hi, I want to translate the tabs within a relation manager, how can I achieve that? thanks!!

Solution:Jump to solution
It should be like this
public static function getTitle(Model $ownerRecord, string $pageClass): string
return __('abc');...
8 Replies
Tried that already but it gave me this error
Method 'App\Filament\Resources\PatientResource\RelationManagers\TreatmentsRelationManager::getTitle()' is not compatible with method 'Filament\Resources\RelationManagers\RelationManager::getTitle()'.
It should be like this
You are using in v3 right?
Nice, that worked. Thanks mate!
i need help in this
not quite the solution, it bugs sometimes
Put only this (below code) and remove
and __construct
yeah worked, i forgot to when trying the solution in this post
thank you