Railway10mo ago

API response is super slow

Project has been running fine but all of a sudden response is very slow. Not sure how to debug... Project ID: 2d5a0617-4b54-4c2b-bffb-766839a8fc77 Service ID: be52ce65-5fcc-40c5-8a55-4daa1e1de801
6 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: 2d5a0617-4b54-4c2b-bffb-766839a8fc77
Floris10mo ago
could you maybe share some details? e.g what language is your API in, what library, what type of data you're trying to request
s2k10mo ago
Node, Express framework, all endpoints are currently responding very slowly in that service all of a sudden. Please note that a dev server with the same code (running as a separate service under that project) is running fine i tried restarting and redeploying, but to no avail
Floris10mo ago
weird, what does railway usage look like? abnormal?
s2k10mo ago
yes vcpu and memory usages are higher than ever (2.2 and 2GB respectively)
Floris10mo ago
I see Could you please install node clinic or Memwatch node it could be that u have a massive memory leak which will ruin ur performance i dont know how much load your api is supposed to handle but 2gb seems insane thats thousands of requests an hour as sometimes this kind of stuff is very hard to track down, for example; you use threading for a bunch of functions in your codebase which makes it significantly faster for you on your local build as your machine can handle it server that doesnt support or allow threading: is running as intended but it cant utilize the threading making it waay slower than local dev