Railway10mo ago

API in Railway using MongoDB Atlas.

My plan is to build an api in Django using MongoDB as database. The current version that railway supports its 4.4 if I'm right. Because of that, I'm thinking in using MongoDB Atlas., so I can use the updated version of mongodb. But my Django API will be hosted on Railway. Is this a smart approach? Can I run into any problems with this? This will be a huge api ( in terms of data) in the future. Project ID: eda27a88-d8f4-495f-b917-1fd2269f5764
4 Replies
Percy10mo ago
Project ID: eda27a88-d8f4-495f-b917-1fd2269f5764
L10mo ago
Project ID: eda27a88-d8f4-495f-b917-1fd2269f5764
Brody10mo ago
if you wanted to use mongodb atlas you would need to whitelist all of your regions cidr ranges https://utilities.up.railway.app/cidr-list?value=us-west1 or you could just use their official mongodb template that uses the latest docker image for mongodb (looks to be 6.0) https://railway.app/template/mongo
L10mo ago