Problem with rows that have null values

If one field in a row is filled and the second field is null, then the value of null in the second field is wrapped in an array. In the case of TextColumn it does not cause problems, but when using TextInputColumn the error "Array to string conversion" is displayed.
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1 Reply
l33tneko10mo ago
Table definition
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->query((new Query())->get())
(new Filters())->getStructureTrainerGroupFilter()
Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('user.full_name')->label('Фамилия, Имя, Отчество')->searchable(),
->label('Стилевая квалификация')
->updateStateUsing(function (string $state, Sportsman $record): ?string {
$this->kyudans[$record->id]['number'] = $state;
return $state;
->label('Номер сертификата')
->recordClasses(function (Sportsman $record) {
$isKyudanExists = $record->kyudan()->exists();
if ($isKyudanExists)
return 'bg-yellow-100';
return null;
public function table(Table $table): Table
return $table
->query((new Query())->get())
(new Filters())->getStructureTrainerGroupFilter()
Tables\Columns\TextColumn::make('user.full_name')->label('Фамилия, Имя, Отчество')->searchable(),
->label('Стилевая квалификация')
->updateStateUsing(function (string $state, Sportsman $record): ?string {
$this->kyudans[$record->id]['number'] = $state;
return $state;
->label('Номер сертификата')
->recordClasses(function (Sportsman $record) {
$isKyudanExists = $record->kyudan()->exists();
if ($isKyudanExists)
return 'bg-yellow-100';
return null;